Seed Funding Grants encourage development of new, innovative research projects in the biomedical and health sciences throughout the Touro College and University System with an anticipated high probability of future extramural funding. This program is not intended for bridge support of existing, active research programs. These are the guidelines for the 2017-2018 academic year.
- Only full-time faculty at Touro College, Touro University California, Touro University Nevada, and New York Medical College (NYMC) are eligible for funding through this program. New investigators are encouraged to apply for consideration.
- Applications must have at least two Principal Investigators (PIs) with appointments at different schools/colleges in the Touro System. Generally preference will be given to projects that cross campuses (NYMC, Touro College, Touro University California, and Touro University Nevada. However, meritorious proposals involving collaboration among different schools at NYMC or within a single Touro campus will be considered.
- The participation of multiple PIs must be fully justified by the project aims and goals. Technical and scientific responsibilities for the project or program should be delineated for each PI.
- The application must clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the proposed project embodies a new research direction and represents a substantive and meaningful collaboration—i.e., there is a demonstrable fundamental intellectual partnership that is central to the design and conduct of the research and analysis of results.
- The proposal must not overlap with any existing sponsored projects within the System.
Submission and Review Process:
- Applications are due on March 12, 2018.
- Faculty may participate in only one proposal per application cycle.
- Proposals that have previously been submitted to an extramural funding source for the same or a closely related project are not eligible for Seed Funding Grant awards.
- Applications must include a specific plan of action for seeking future extramural funding. Identify the anticipated funding source(s) and, where possible, the specific funding program that will be pursued and explain why a future proposal will be competitive for a particular sponsor. Provide a timeline for proposal submission, possibly during but most likely within six-nine months of the end date of the Seed Funding Grant period of performance.
- Applications will be reviewed by an internal review panel comprised of investigators who have active research programs and grant review experience at the national level (e.g. NIH or AHA). Composition of the review panel may vary for each submission deadline so as to ensure appropriate content expertise.
- All proposals will be scored using NIH criteria modified to fit the purpose of this program. A short written review will be provided to applicants.
- Applications may request up to $75,000 for a project period of no more than one year. Awards are anticipated to start on July 1, 2018.
- Proposals that are not funded at the first submission may be revised and re-submitted at a subsequent deadline consistent with the solicitation announcement. However, such proposals must also specifically and carefully address the issues raised by the initial Seed Funding Grant review.
- Budget direct costs may support scientific personnel, supplies, and services. However, salary support for the PI is not permitted. With very strong justification, equipment and/or travel costs necessary to conduct the research may be requested.
Questions about the Seed Funding Grant Program may be addressed to Glenn S. Davis, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, Touro College, by telephone at (212) 463-0400 extension 5345 or via email at