Bridge Funding Grants seek to enhance the likelihood of renewed external support for projects that were unsuccessful in recent efforts to maintain funding. These are the guidelines for the 2017-2018 academic year.
- Only full-time faculty at Touro College, Touro University California, Touro University Nevada, and at New York Medical College are eligible for funding through this program.
- Applicants must have submitted a competitive, continuation/ renewal grant application and received a critique that forecasts a reasonable expectation of future funding. In the case of funding sources that do not provide critiques, equivalent documentation from the sponsor should be provided.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) must have an active research program with demonstrable evidence of recent productivity (e.g., extramural support and publications within the past two years).
- PI must have exhausted all other forms of internal (e.g., start up) or external funds available for support of the specific project or must demonstrate that such funds will be exhausted prior to the start date of a Bridge Funding grant. Ideally, 90-95% of direct funding should have been expended during the period of the full period of prior funding.
Submission and Review Process:
- Applications are due on March 12, 2018.
- Applications must include the unsuccessful renewal application score (if available) and a copy of the critique/summary statement or some written indication of funding viability for the proposal.
- Proposed studies must specifically and carefully address the issues raised by the external review process. If applicants plan to seek continued funding from a different agency or program, they must justify the switch in sponsors and program and explain why a future proposal to the new sponsor ought to be considered potentially be competitive. Provide a timeline for proposal submission.
- Applications will be reviewed by an internal review panel comprised of investigators who have active research programs and/or grant review experience at the national level (e.g., NIH or AHA). Composition of the review panel may vary for each submission deadline so as to insure appropriate content expertise.
- All proposals will be scored using NIH criteria modified to fit the purpose of this program. A short written review will be provided to applicants.
- Awards will be made for up to $50,000 for a twelve-month period. Awards are anticipated to start on July 1, 2018.
- Proposals that are not funded on first submission may be revised and re-submitted at a subsequent deadline; however, such proposals must also specifically and carefully address the issues raised by the initial Bridge Funding Grant review.
- Budget direct costs may support scientific personnel, supplies, and services. However, salary support for the PI is not permitted. With very strong justification, equipment and/or travel costs necessary to conduct the research may be requested.
Questions about the Bridge Funding Grant Program may be addressed to Glenn S. Davis, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, Touro College, by telephone at (212) 463-0400 extension 5345 or via email at