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(Adopted November 21, 2013)
The name of this consultative body formed by the Constitution shall be the Graduate Faculty Council (hereinafter “GFC”) of Touro College.
Section 1
The GFC will serve as the primary official consultative body of the faculty of the graduate and professional schools of Touro College. The GFC will serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas among the members of the College faculty.
Section 2
The GFC shall act as an advisory and consultative body to the graduate deans and vice-presidents, provost, and president of the College and assist in matters such as the following:
Section 1
The membership of the GFC shall include two (2) full-time faculty members and one (1) adjunct faculty from each of the graduate and professional schools. Each member of the GFC shall be chosen by either election within each graduate school or appointment by the Dean of the respective graduate school. The term for each member shall be three (3) years. Members may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. All members of the graduate faculty are eligible for election to the GFC.
Section 2
The GFC shall hold at least eight (8) regular meetings per academic year: four (4) in the fall semester and four (4) in the spring semester.
Section 3
Additional meetings may be either, (a) called by the Chair of the GFC, or (b) held upon a petition of 20 percent (20%) of the members of the GFC, which must be submitted to the Chair at least ten (10) working days prior to the desired date of the meeting.
Section 4
Meetings are open all to graduate faculty and other non-voting guests of the GFC. Each member of the GFC may cast a single vote.
Section 1
The officers of the GFC shall consist of a Chair, a Co-chair and a Secretary.
Section 2
Officers of the GFC shall be elected by a majority vote of those in attendance at the first meeting of every school year. Any vote resulting in a tie shall be determined by a re-vote, which shall take place after each candidate has had an opportunity to give a speech, lasting no more than four (4) minutes, to the council.
Section 3
Nominations for officers of the GFC shall be made in writing to the Chair prior to the first meeting of the school year. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the first meeting. The term for each officer will be three (3) years. Officers may serve a maximum of one (1) term.
Section 1
(The descriptions below are meant to act as guidelines and should not be considered mandatory, restrictive, or exhaustive)
The GFC may create Committees whose purpose is to gather information and make recommendations to the GFC, and who may work with the appropriate administrators to promote the development and efficient operation of the College. The following committees may be created at the request of the Chair or by majority vote of the council members in attendance at a council meeting:
Section 2
Other Committees can be established by the GFC as the Council deem appropriate.
Section 3
The Chair of the GFC shall appoint Committee Chairs. In the event that the Chair of any committee is unable to complete his/her term in office, the GFC Chair shall appoint a new Committee Chair to serve in that capacity until the next regularly scheduled election. If a representative withdraws from a committee, the respective committee members will appoint a replacement committee member based on the receiver of the next highest vote total from the original election (otherwise, appointment will be at the discretion of the GFC Chair). If a Committee Chair is unable to attend a GFC meeting, he or she may designate a representative from his or her committee to act on his or her behalf.
A simple majority of the voting membership of the GFC present at a meeting, including via teleconferencing, shall constitute a quorum necessary for conducting business. Any votes taken via e-ballot also require a simple majority of the GFC membership.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (current edition) shall serve as the parliamentary authority of the Council. The Co-Chair shall serve as the Parliamentarian.
Section 1
Any member of the GFC may propose amendments to this Constitution.
Section 2
Any proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the GFC at least fifteen (15) working days before a scheduled meeting of the GFC. The Chair places the amendment on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting. An amendment requires two thirds (2/3) vote of those GFC members in attendance.
Section 1: Order of Business for Regular Meetings
The order of business at each regular meeting of the GFC shall be:
I. A Call to Order
II. The Approval of the Minutes
III. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees
IV. Reports of Special Committees
V. Special Orders
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment
Section 2: Order of Business for Special Meetings
The Order of Business for any special meeting of the GFC is determined by the Chair of the GFC.
Section 3: Agenda and Minutes
A tentative agenda, the previous meeting’s minutes, and any relevant documents for discussion will be distributed to GFC members at least ten (10) business days before the meeting convenes.
Section 4: Official Council Record
The GFC shall publish its minutes within two (2) weeks of approval by the GFC. Copies of the GFC minutes must also be distributed to each GFC member via email or portal.
Section 5: Committee Records
One copy of all minutes, memoranda, and documents generated by any standing or ad hoc committee of the GFC shall be forwarded to the Chair of the GFC for placement in the permanent GFC file no later than the end of the spring semester of a given academic year.